Internal parasites can affect horses of all ages whether they are stabled or allowed to graze in the pasture. If these parasites are not controlled, horses can lose alot of weight and condition. They will also develop other problems, like colic, which can be life-threatening.

Factors to consider when choosing a dewormer.

Deworming a horse can be confusing. There are several equine dewormers available. The months in each season may vary according to the region that you belong to. It is still recommended to consult your veterinarian for the best worming program suitable for your horse as well as the climatic conditions in your area.

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How to decide which wormer for my horse?

Its best to know which parasite you need to treat. Start with a routine fecal egg count.

The eggs will determine the load and and allow you to target specific parasites.

If the fecal exam results show that your horse is infested with strongyles alone, instead of using broad spectrum wormers containing Ivermectin, Fenbendazole (double-dose for five days) can target encysted small strongyles. Your horse does not need other dewormers, Only target the worms present.

One program doesnt suit all horses

Designing a program for parasite control can be tedious. No one program is similar to others; they should be unique and designed specifically for the horse and your environment, with consideration on its health, the climate conditions, known resistance of the area, and the severity of the infestation. For this reason, always work closely with your local veterinarian, to formulate the best horse dewormer per season.